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It Is a common infective condition effecting the lining of sinus causing it to swell up. It is sometimes confused with rhinitis, which involve nasal inflammation and irritation. The word sinusits is actually made of 2 words.
Sinus and Itis.
What are sinuses ?
The word “sinus” is latin origin, which means – a cavity or pocket in an organ or tissue. But commonly this word is used by many to indicate Para nasal sinuses. They are air cavities located in the cranial bone around the nose and is connected to it. Normally a human body have 4 pair of sinuses – Ethmoid, Maxillary, Sphenoid and Frontal. All these pairs of sinus have there ducts opening into the nasal cavity. So the infection occurring in the nose can spread to any of these sinus, through there respective ducts. They have a mucus lining with in there walls. For secreting mucus, which keeps nasal passage moist and free from dirt.
Itis means inflammation.
Causes of sinusitis
The sinusitis occurs when mucus secretion is more, causing inflammation of sinus. Usually it is triggered by an infection. Most commonly the upper respiratory tract infection like common cold or a flu virus. Very less frequently a bacterial infection. This infection causes swelling of mucus membrane lining the walls of cavity and narrow ducts. When the duct get blocked, mucus from sinus will not get drained, and it will cause swelling of sinus.
Allergies are also an important cause in chronic conditions. The sinus and nasal passage swells and secrete more mucus in an attempt to remove the allergen. Pollens are seasonal, dust, mist, even some food can become triggering factor. Asthma is also often linked with sinusitis. People with chronic nasal inflammation and irritation due to asthma, may get recurrent chronic sinusitis without an infection. There are some other causes that contribute to congestion like –
Defective nasal septa
Nasal polyp
Narrow nasal sinus etc.
Symptoms vary from acute to chronic sinusitis. These are some common causes
Tenderness on cheek, forehead and eyes
Head ache.
Blocked nose
Post nasal drip
Nasal discharge
Reduced smell
In more sever conditions you will also have
Halitosis (foul smell)
Yellow discharge
Ear pain etc
If the symptoms continue for 3 – 4 months and more it can be considered as chronic sinusitis.
Some examinations
Sinus infection is generally diagnosed based on patient history and physical examination.
If a sinus infection last more than 4 months and normal antibiotics don’t work, you may be asked to take a CT, to know the extend of infection.
Mucus culture: if the infection is chronic the doctor may advice mucus culture. Normally the mucus is collected from nose, in some case it may be taken directly from sinus.
Biopsy: If doctor doubt a more serious infection, were it spreads to the bone. He may suggest a bone biopsy.
Biopsy of sinus tissue are also used in some rare conditions.
According to need you may also have to do, blood tests and immunological assessments.
Ayurvedic interpretation.
According to Ayurveda the sinus infection is produced due to imbalance in Vata and kapha. These dosha get imbalance due to many reasons like, climatic change, dust, unhealthy food habit, indulge in cold drinks, etc. This dosha cause obstruction in the normal passage of vata and cause symptoms of sinusitis. If it become chronic, pitta also get disturbed and add up the complications. Ayurveda has immense treatments for this sinusitis.
Ayurveda Treatments
Treatment mainly involve the clearance of obstruction caused by Kapha dosha, without disturbing vata and pitta.
1 Swedana :
It Is sweating therapy. The herbs which reduce the kapha are put to water and it is boiled. The steam is passed to the patient on the effected parts, until sweat is seen. It help to reduce the block due to kapha.
2 Nasyam :
Inhaling the drops. This is one among the panchakarma procedure, used for cleansing. Here the herbs which have the property of removing the kapha are used as oil/juice in drops, and patient have to inhale it. Usually it is done after swedana. It cleans the excess kapha in the head. Once the kapha is removed, patient feels lightness and relief of symptoms.
3 Dhoomapana :
Inhaling herbal smoke. A vick is made of herbs wrapped in a clean cloth. After preparation of patient, or after doing nasyam, the patient Is made to inhale the fume from this vick through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Do it for many times through both the nasal openings. This helps to eliminate the kapha that causes obstruction in the nose and sinus.
4 Vamana :
In extremely sever conditions, doctor may advice to do deep cleansing of kapha by a higher panchakarma procedure vamana (induced vomiting). This will remove deep seated, and more quantity of kapha from body, so that it will be easy to cure the remaining difficulty.
Some lifestyle modifications to stay away from sinusitis
Take extra care during onset of cold seasons, or sudden climate change.
Avoid using cold drinks during the cold climate. Always use warm water and fresh food. Avoid day sleep.
Avoid coffee, fried products, oily products, sweet food items, fast food, carbonated drinks etc.
Avoid curd/yog hurt, banana, iced drinks etc.
Regularly use ginger, garlic, pepper, turmeric, cumin, clove, onion, mint etc.
Take special care of personal hygiene.
Take early medication on any upper respiratory infections. Avoid head bath with cold water on the beginning of infection.
Drink enough water. Have good exercise.
Avoid smoking.
Keep away dust, smoke, irritants etc by mask or any other way.
Some home remedies for sinusitis
1 Steam inhaling. The water boiled with leaves of tulasi, mint, ginger etc. and allow the steam over the face, throat, chest for 10 – 15 min. You can repeat the same for many times in a day.
2 Turmeric fume inhale : 1 pinch of turmeric is put on a burning/red hot charcoal, and the fume is inhaled. This will eliminate kapha. The phlegm start coming out.
3 1 tsp lemon juice with 1 tsp of honey can be taken empty stomach.
4 1 tsp ginger juice and 1 tsp honey also can be taken daily empty stomach to reduce the kapha.
5 Fenugreek drink – take 2 tsp of fenugreek add 4 glass of water and boil it. Reduce the portion to 2 glass. Filter it, and the drink can be taken 4 times in a day. Do it for 1 week to get better result.
Ayurveda is having best treatment for preventing the sinusitis. Even some of the chronic conditions are treated with ayurveda medicines. It not only remove the ymptoms but also boost the immunity of the body. Self medication sometimes may be dangerous. So consult an expert for better results.
Thank you.
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